Get Your Buddy Stuck Day
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Well here we are in all our glory, I hope you enjoy the photos!This is a good place to have images, pictures, thumbnails etc...

Here is Joe, Running his Jeep up the narrow hill at Lake Delancy.

Here is a side angle of him on the same hill. Joe and Steve were just getting started....

Unfortunately it didn't take long before Project X took it's first casualty, a blown airline for the front locker, as you can see by the front right wheel spinning.

Here's Warmonger, tring to figure out why his locker in the front quit working. If you click on the image it will take you to his website....
Very informative. A must if you have an Xterra!

Of course he shows us that even without a front locker, having a rear locker makes his X a formidable foe, even if us Nissans are stuck with IFS.

After Lake Delancy got a little boring, we headed up toward Mondex, and found an interesting trail, where some of our other friends we had met on the previous outing were playing. Joe of course had to get to the other side for winching duties...he was a VERY necessary person as you will see.

Here, one of our friends from the Toyota Tacoma Off-Road Association smiles as he acesses how the HECK he is gonna get out of this mess!

Go to Photo page 5 for the rest of the day.